In face of the needs of a market considered the driving force of Brazilian economy, Campus Valore provides a range of services focused on the analysis and consultancy of rural properties across the country.

The commitment of our professionals and the provision of comprehensive, effective consulting services ensures the satisfaction of our customers and the credibility in the market.

Aimed to advise companies when making credit decisions involving mortgage, accord and satisfaction, and fiduciary sale, Campus Valore, through its technical staff comprised of cross-functional engineers, experts, and specialists in real estate law, develops technical opinions for Credit purposes comprised of market studies, asset technical analysis, property valuation, and analysis of documents and information.

The following tasks are carried out:

  • Identification or property and possession;
  • Analysis of the burden and potential vices to be investigated;
  • Property physical identification and location;
  • Property valuation according to its purpose;
  • Verification of any environmental liabilities;
  • Survey of all the owners of adjoining lands of the area under analysis;
  • Implementation of localization coordinates of the area under technical analysis.

Certification of property title may be insufficient to attest the reality. Therefore, only the conjunction of many pieces of information and evidences beyond the apparent document regularity can make it possible to identify vices that contaminate property titles, making them subject to be rendered void.

Through the consolidation of techniques and knowledge acquired over the years by Campus Valore experts and specialists in real estate law, we develop property title investigations that can find the reality behind complex real estate issues, providing information certainty for transactions, such as:

  • Title transfer;
  • Purchase/sale agreements;
  • Mortgages, fiduciary sale, and accord and satisfaction.

For document investigations, we develop the following tasks:

  • Expert handwriting investigation;
  • Expert document examination;
  • Property chain study;
  • Advice on forensic documents and certificates.

Aimed to project the profitability of a rural property and its economic benefits, Campus Valore, through the experience and knowledge of the agribusiness, develops the different technical studies on tillage in order to identify all the significant aspects of data and economic influence that have an impact on the yield rate, providing more knowledge of the profit generation potential of a rural property.

These are technical reports indicated as an investigation to determine the fair value to be paid for a expropriated land. For this report, we take into account the market value of the property as a whole, out of it, the commercial potential to be exploited is subtracted.

In our opinions, we analyze the scenario before and after the expropriation order, providing the variations on profitability and opportunity cost of the real estate.

Georeferencing law no. 10,627 requires the description of the limits, characteristics, and adjoining lands of a rural property, through a descriptive memorandum providing the coordinates of the defining vertices of the georeferenced limits to the Brazilian Geodesic System.

This law caused some changes to the Public Registries Law. These changes include the cases where a rural property owner is required to adapt the description of his/her property to the georeferencing model.

The legal hypothesis are the following:

  • Land plotting;
  • Parceling;
  • Land reassembly;
  • Title transfer;
  • Judicial records on the property.

And, aiming to advise companies on these issues connected to the georeferencing process, Campus Valore provides rural area measurement works throughout the country through our technical staff comprised of surveyors and specialists in Real Estate Registry Law, according to the standards required by law 10,267/01 and INCRA.

We also provide topography services, including the elaboration of descriptive memorandums, measurements, and rectifications of rural areas comprehending the delimitation of a legal reserve, surveying the limits of the property, and plotting/reassembly of rural areas.

Technical works intended to adjust the ITR (rural territorial tax) value of the property, separating legal reserves and APPs [permanent preservation areas] not subject to taxation, through measurement, valuing, surveying of vertices, maps, and descriptive memorandums.

In face of the need for clearing rural properties in compliance with the law and environment, Campus Valore provides technical consulting services oriented to the elaboration of environmental opinions, investigations, evaluations, studies, measurements, and reports focused on the following tasks:

  • Forest restructuring projects with Agri-Forest systems;
  • Legal Reserve Registry;
  • Restructuring of APP (permanent preservation area);
  • Recovery plan for damaged areas.

The agricultural & livestock investment project is a key tool for the planning and demonstration of the technical and economic-financial feasibility of a venture. The elaboration of a future plan always implies the convergence of a complex number of variables, related to the different technical, economic, financial, administrative, and legal aspects.

Campus Valore, through the experience of its technical staff, comprised of cross-functional engineers, elaborates agricultural & livestock investment projects advising investors, producers, and companies on their decision-making.

We develop the following activities:

  • Suitability and economic-financial feasibility studies;
  • Risk analysis in agricultural & livestock investments;
  • Detailed analysis of the investments and resources schedule;
  • Agricultural & livestock engineering and techniques.