Campus Valore, through evaluation engineering and assets consulting, develops technical reports aimed to provide inputs and parameters connected to the valuation of a tangible asset, which is its purpose.

Based on norms and procedures defined by ABNT (Brazilian Association of Technical Norms) and publications from IBAPE (Brazilian Institute of Engineering Evaluations and Investigations), we evaluate tangible assets throughout the country, such as:

  • Houses and commercial buildings;
  • Industrial complexes;
  • Real estate ventures;
  • Lands and tracts of land subject to urbanization;
  • Rural areas, farms, and agribusiness complexes;
  • Machinery, equipment, facilities, and furniture/utensils.

Aiming to advise companies on credit decisions involving mortgage, accord and satisfaction, and fiduciary sale, Campus Valore, through its technical staff comprised of cross-functional engineers, experts, and specialists in real estate law, develops technical opinions comprised of market studies, technical analysis of the asset, valuation of the property, analysis of documents and information, then providing information reliability and mitigation of the risks involved in the operation.

Over the process of asset analysis, we carry out the following tasks:

  • Identification or property and possession;
  • Analysis of the burden and potential vices to be investigated;
  • Property physical identification and location;
  • Property valuation according to its purpose;
  • Comparison and analysis of built, registered, and existing areas in face of the law;
  • Identification of any environmental liabilities.

An effective management of a business must provide accurate information on the items that are part of its fixed asset. In order to do so, a strict and comprehensive inventory must be elaborated.

As such, Campus Valore develops technical reports intended for Controllership and Asset areas, aimed to rearrange a company’s assets and contribute to a better decision-making. It can be translated into:

  • Actual knowledge of the assets’ values;
  • More and better information for the market;
  • More accuracy in results forecast;
  • Determining the economic value of assets in balance sheets.

For reports related to the asset analysis, we carry out the following tasks:

  • Surveying of physical inventory (sites and cost centers);
  • Asset tagging with barcodes;
  • Physical x accounting conciliation;
  • Adjustments of physical and accounting overage;
  • Determination of remaining useful life;
  • Checking the need for Impairment Test;
  • Presentation of handling diagnosis for fixed assets according to the best practices in the industry;
  • Necessary adequacy in order to comply with law 11,638/07.

For certain decision involving a property rental value, Campus Valore develops technical reports for rental purposes, advising companies on their rental contracts, and providing technical support in rental review and renewal.

Whether you are acquiring an urban or rural property, especially taking into account the amount involved in the transaction, a comprehensive analysis of the property is key to identify its actual market value and the compliance of its documents with the law.

Through assets consulting and evaluation engineering, Campus Valore carries out technical tasks to provide guidance based on detailed studies on the property, document analysis, area analysis by means of diligences in the local real estate market, and analysis of all the aspects that can influence the value, providing reliability to the information for investors, companies, and owners.

These are technical reports indicated as an investigation to determine the fair value to be paid for a expropriated land. For this report, we take into account the market value of the property as a whole, out of it, the commercial potential to be exploited is subtracted.

In our opinions, we analyze the scenario before and after the expropriation order, providing the variations on profitability and opportunity cost of the real estate.

The evaluation of tangible properties for insurance purposes includes the presentation of a technical opinion with accurate parameters of the right value of the properties for contracting with an insurance policy, so that the company can learn the actual amounts under risk, as well as the maximum amounts that can be insured, making it possible to contract with an insurance policy.

Campus Valore develops technical reports aimed to contract with or renew an insurance policy, evaluating industrial plants throughout the country.